Disc Golf

If you have ever come to Normandy Farms, you know that disc golf is a big event. We have a full 18-hole, par 3, course that attracts a lot of guests and professional players. If you have ever played with regular Frisbees, you know that par 3 is really difficult to maintain with those large, floppy saucers. In order to really get competitive, you need the proper discs.
Like golf, there are a few types of discs: driver, mid-range, and putter. Putters are designed to fly slow and straight, making them optimal for short shots. Mid-range discs have slightly sharper edges that enable them to cut through the air better. These discs are usually faster, more stable, and have a longer range than a putter. Drivers are usually recognized by their sharp, beveled edge and have most of their mass concentrated on the outer rim of the disc rather than distributed equally throughout. Drivers are particularly hard to control and often not necessary for short courses, so many people use only mid-ranges and putters when playing a round.
A factor when thinking about buying and playing with disc rather than a Frisbee is the stability. Each disc has a stability rating that will indicate how it will turn and fly. A disc that is over-stable will tend to track left, whereas a disc that is under-stable will tend to track right. The rating that a disc gets depends on the brand of disc you are using. For example, Discraft rates stability on a scale of +3 to −3, where +3 is the most over-stable and −3 is the most under-stable. Most disc companies run a similar rating system and it can often be found on their websites.
So, with all this said, my advice to you if you are considering buying a disc and playing a round at our park, start with a neutrally stable mid-range. This will allow you to perfect your accuracy on our relatively short-distance course. From there, you will know exactly what kinds of discs suit your own personal throwing style and need!

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72 West Street, Foxboro, MA 02035     866-673-2767